In Solidarity With Our Black Brothers & Sisters


The School of Arts and Culture at MHP is a member of the Si Se Puede! Collective. In solidarity with our Black brothers and sisters, we are putting out this joint statement:


We are outraged at the senseless death of George Floyd and mourn with his family, Minneapolis, and the Black community across the country. We condemn ALL racism, white supremacy, police brutality, and the decades of oppression that caused this needless death. We lift up the voices of those calling for justice.


Our own community has a long history of being impacted by police misconduct and immigration enforcement.  Every day we support each other to exist in a world that tells us that we are not deserving of justice and humanity.  Today, we grieve and are enraged by the murder of George Floyd and many others that have lost their lives at the hands of law enforcement and ICE. 


The murder of George Floyd highlights the systemic inequities, the generations of economic looting by corporations, and the use of racism to target and divide poor Black, Asian, and Brown communities.


We must be guided by the deep belief that, “all Black lives, regardless of actual or perceived sexual identity, gender identity, gender expression, economic status, ability, disability, religious beliefs or disbeliefs, immigration status or location matter.” – Black Lives Matter


We urge everyone not to vilify our brothers and sisters fighting for justice across the nation. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. eloquently stated:


...a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it that America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the Negro has worsened over the last few years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice, equality and humanity.


Let’s organize for a more just society that builds systems of community care, challenges racism and classism directly and unfiltered, dismantles the police state and immigration enforcement, and builds cross racial solidarity for a world where everyone can live free of fear and reach their fullest potential. 

Our call to action:


  1. Talk to your children about race. For families, we offer the following resources:

  2. Take concrete actions to donate and support on the ground organizations like:

  3. Organize and attend a rally. Here are some suggestions for anyone thinking of attending a demonstration:

  • Bring extra masks and hand sanitizer for others at the protest that don’t have them.

  • Maintain and encourage 6 feet of social distancing at all times.

  • Attend with a protest buddy. Stay together and have the National Lawyers Guild Legal Hotline 415-285-1011 written on your arm in case you are arrested.

  • Let someone know who to contact if you are taken into custody.

  • Know your rights about Shelter in Place and communicate the health implications associated with being arrested in Santa Clara County.

  • Share bail out information with all attendees.


The Si Se Puede! Collective is made up of five community-based organizations in East San Jose: SOMOS Mayfair, Amigos de Guadalupe, School of Art and Culture at MHP, Veggielution, and Grail Family Services. Together we are committed to building community power, advancing justice, and standing in solidarity with those working to dismantle oppressive systems. We remain guided by our vision to build a world where racial and economic justice exists for all families, children, and communities.